Wednesday 20 October 2010

Il Porcellino, Sydney Statues: Project!

Il Porcellino is a bronze sculpture and fountain which sits outside the historic Sydney Hospital, in Macquarie Street. It has been dressed up for the Sydney Statues: Project! as part of the Art & About Sydney festival. The original Il Porcellino is on display in the Museo Bardini in Florence, Italy. This copy was presented to the hospital in 1968 by the Marchessa Clarissa Torrigiani in memory of her father and brother, both renowned surgeons at the hospital. The legend of rubbing the snout of Il Porcellino for good luck, provides a polished sheen.


  1. I remember him. It is kind of fun to him dressed up.

  2. I photographed the Florentine version about a month ago. He wasn't wearing his colorful wings.

  3. Wow, all decked out and ready to party.

  4. Leif, beat me to my line...what are those wings for???

  5. bfarr, you can finally say that you've seen a pig that can fly.

  6. good artwork but it's not a favourite animal here as they sometimes get in the gardens and make a mess. Intersting with the dress-up sculpture event

  7. Wow...such an impressive piece of artwork.

    Gulf Coast bird watching photo share Do stop by for a visit if time allows.

  8. Interesting to see this statue dressed up in colourful wings. Do they turn off the fountain while it is decorated?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  9. Shirley, I think they may have turned off the water while he was decorated. Mind you, the fountain isn't a torrent water but more like a stream pouring from the boar's mouth.

  10. love the colorful wings! your Shakespeare series is wonderful too!

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