Friday 1 October 2010

Newtown, street art (Theme Day: Graffiti)

I ventured to the inner city suburb of Newtown for some attractive graffiti to feature on this theme day. This artwork appears on the side of a furniture shop on the corner of King Street and Rochford Street. Newtown is a very colourful inner city suburb where many students, bohemians, hippies and yuppies make their home. It's also a very multicultural suburb but I'm not sure why they have specifically chosen to depict Latino characters here. Anyway, my best attempt for translations of these Spanish messages across this wall are "What's Happening!", "Newtown...My Neighbourhood" and "He's Crazy!".
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants of this theme day


  1. Terrific shots and how fun! Never seen graffiti celebrated before! Really colorful and your translation is perfect! Have a great weekend, Jim! See you later on Sky Watch!


  2. Very cool and fun graffiti! Great posting for theme day!

  3. Great pictures indeed. Have to admit, that once when I was young, a few of those quotes were my vocabulary as well ;)

    Please have a good new month and Friday too.

    daily athens

  4. Isn't Newtown amazing. I did a photowalk there last Saturday, organised by Rob of Lightstalking

    Had no idea any of that was there.

  5. Ann, it certainly is amazing. I see something surprising or new, every time I go there. That walking tour sounds very interesting.

  6. Those are awesome. The middle one is my favorite!

  7. I like the pictures, but can't say the same of the graffiti/murals. Anyway, ours are much worse than these!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. «Louis» is surprised to see the Spanish pop up in the graffiti in Sydney!

  10. Interesting how the concept of 'graffiti' has changed over the years! Love the art!!

    Happy travels!

    PS sorry, deleted my previous comment by mistake

  11. Very interesting graffiti. I love how colorful it makes the neighborhood.

  12. awesome graffitis. a truly modern artistic expression.

  13. Happy Theme Day - great post for "graffiti"

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

    Hood Photo Blog

  14. Hmmm. For some reason it never occurred to me that Sydney would have a Spanish-speaking barrio! How interesting!

  15. Very colorful and artistic, but trying to read what it says is like looking at a optical illusion. Impossible for me.

  16. gogouci, I'm with you on that. I can't figure out the message in the graffiti style writing either.

  17. So is this colourful work invited wall art or uninvited graffiti, Jim?

  18. Nice colourful artwork and thanks for the translation ... I was wondering what it said.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.