Friday 22 October 2010

Shakespeare Memorial, Sydney Statues: Project!

The Shakespeare Memorial stands at Shakespeare Place between the on and off ramps of the Cahill Expressway. It is close to the State Library, Morsehead Fountain and the Royal Botanic Gardens. The memorial to poet and playwright William Shakespeare features some of his more famous characters of literature. The bronze statues have been dressed up for the Sydney Statues: Project! as part of the Art & About Sydney festival. A photo of this monument at other times can be seen here.


  1. I have so enjoyed your photos of the colorfully costumed statues at the Shakespeare Memorial! Really delightful and fun! And always beautiful blue skies! Have a lovely weekend, Jim!


  2. Those statues are so cool to look at with the addition of cloth clothing! So colorful! Nice photos!

  3. really enjoying this series with all the statues decked in their finest rags.

  4. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em. Others have been dressed in drag.

  5. This one is fun. I'm really surprised that all the statues are still in tact, although they do remove the pig's wings every day. I haven't been over lately but I think someone may have pinched the sunglasses from the bloke at the northern end of Hyde Park, whose name I can't remember - William Dalley?

  6. Oh this is fun! I was wondering about the costumes and glad you explained -- and I flollowed the link. Thanks for sharing.

  7. That's right, Ann. That would have been quite a challenge for someone to nick his sunglasses up so high or maybe the wind blew them away. I noticed some of the bright colours on the wings of Il Porcellino and Prince Albert's cape had started to fade after the exposure to sun and rain.

  8. Great art project. The statues look almost real.

  9. Guess he would have liked it as well. Still impressed of what is all possible in such a peaceful city as yours.

    daily athens

  10. Love the costumes, - very colourful and great fun. And the blue skies add to the festivities.

  11. nice statues, colorful and great photos too!

  12. SUCH a Remarkable sight!

    Aloha from Hawaii

    Comfort Spiral


  13. How long do they get to play dresses up?

    It is great that nobody has vandalized then place.

  14. Ann, they are playing dress ups for one month. It all ends this Sunday.

  15. Crikey they did go overboard with all those statues.

  16. How interesting that the statues have been dressed for the festival. I guess this must have been dome with the blessings of the sculptor. Toronto had a big kerfluffle a few years back when someone tried to decorate a statue. The sculptor was not amused. :)

  17. Very unique with the cloth clothing, beautiful memorial!
    My SkyWatch

  18. Great fun! Love your photos of the cool statues!

  19. EG Wow, these decorations have caused some controversy in Sydney too but mostly from some people who believe that it is disrepectful to the royal and historic figures. The statues featured were created many decades ago, so the sculptors wouldn't be around these days to complain.


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