Monday 31 January 2011

Rockdale, houses

These beautifully restored homes built in the Victorian architecture style are located in a prominent position in Frederick Street, in the southern suburb of Rockdale. Their designs are almost a mirror image but their owners have chosen very different colour schemes to set them apart.


  1. Those are very attractive and very different from the version of Victorian architecture we see in the uSA.

  2. I thought these look familiar. My mum and dad are in the retirement village practically next door.

    Only problem with these is the hill and all the steps.

  3. They are quite gorgeous, Jim, and complement one to the other. They have an imposing position, and the light you have captured is just right for the photograph.

    I am figuring it to be morning light, which leads me to one of my tub-thumpers. Builders in the 19thC concentrated on style and ignored the environment. These houses will get no morning light in the front rooms, but be swathed with afternoon light in the back rooms. The afternoon light is very hot and lasts so long in the summer, and all the family living areas are at the rear.

    Lovely houses, but dumb builders.

  4. I would not have noticed the mirror image.

  5. great architecture If I was going to part with my money for one it would be the terracotta.
    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  6. Beautiful Victorian homes... I love them. But note one interesting point. They look as if they were designed as terraces, yet someone decided to make them free standing, surrounded by small garden spaces.

  7. Very attractive. I like the paint colors and they look nice side-by-side.

  8. Jim, it is a lovely shot. Great lighting and beautiful subjects.

  9. I hope nobody demolishes these beautiful houses. we have at the moment, despite protest, developers demolished two Historic Spanish houses at St Heliers.

  10. Houses we wouldn't have looked at twice in the 50's now look lovely. Is there a predominant nationality living there now?

  11. Hels, they certainly look a lot like terraces. I actually almost called them that when I was writing it up.

    diane b, Rockdale is a very multi-cultural suburb. A lot of older anglo Australians live in the houses and Macedonians are the biggest migrant group in the suburb. Then probably Lebanese but the Chinese and Bangladeshi migrants may have overtaken them recently, with many moving into the new high rise flats near the railway station.

  12. friends.

    please have a good new week.

    daily athens

  13. Those are some very unique houses. Wonder if they are used as holiday homes as well.

  14. Kristin, they're located in a very residential suburb of Sydney. Not really a holiday destination but they would be great holiday homes if they were at the beach or in the countryside.

  15. These are so cute. It sounds like a great place to visit.

  16. This is a super photo, Jim... I know well how colour can change the look and feel of a place, or of anything really... and for me these two old Victorian homes have very different personalities. It would not surprise me if the colour choices reflect the personalities of its owners. Julie's comments on environmental factors used in house design are spot on... I know too little about the history of architecture and could be wrong, but it seems to me that looking at a home's position in nature is a fairly recent phenomena in the West while Eastern feng shui masters have known its importance for centuries.

  17. Nice shot on such a clear day. Victorian architecture sure makes a statement. Ps I have added you to my blogroll.

  18. Thanks, Joe. I've added your blog to my blog list too. :)

    Julie, it was actually late afternoon light shining on their front here but your point is still completely valid. The front rooms would get practically no light in the morning or during the day and the back living areas would be getting that heat all day.

  19. wow...nice shot. love the perspective.

  20. I love this kind of neighborhood. The colors are great -- they seem as if they could be authentic, but do a good job of distinguishing the two.

  21. It is rare that neighbours would choose to complement their colour choices. These are beautiful, love the light and dark.

  22. They are really beautiful houses! Nice capture :-)

  23. Perfect example of why one needs to have a camera along at all times. This is stunning - they would probably love a copy of this photo - certainly is frame worthy!


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