Sunday 27 February 2011

Chester Hill, Nugent Park

These curious structures are located in the middle of Nugent Park, beside the railway station, in the western suburb of Chester Hill. I couldn't find any information about these monuments apart from a local council information sheet on the suburb which reads: Nugent Park serves as a place of remembrance to Australia's fallen as well as a place of rest. Apparently these structures are remnants of slippery slides in a children's playground that were decomissioned for safety reasons and had the metal slide removed.
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  1. They look very interesting. I may be wrong but to me, the monuments look like tomb... Anyway, it is indeed interesting!
    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

  2. There's no shortage of war memorials around the world.

  3. They are somehow restful and contemplative. Maybe that is the intention.

  4. they look a bit like the bunkers that soldiers would build on the battlefield during WWII

    somber yet beautiful place

  5. Interesting, I wonder if at one time there had been plaques set in the face of those stone monuments.

  6. My goodness. How odd! They look like a tribute to Machu Pichu.

  7. The way it was build was like a pyramid that symbolizes a tomb, and maybe you were right that was built for those who give their lives on the war.

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  8. Hi,
    questa immagine è molto interessante.
    Ciao Myriam :)

  9. They look interesting, maybe a local historical society will have some notes?

  10. Feels as if they 'offer' an entry to the 'innerst within'. Thoughtful a sight indeed.

    Please have you all a good Sunday.

    daily athens

  11. They look like Aztec Pyramids crossed with tank traps... very unusual.

  12. Very interesting! And I agree with Mark! They look like miniature Aztec pyramids!
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a happy weekend****

  13. Very interesting "Ancient motives" as monuments in the park !

  14. Very interesting, thanks for sharing
    happy sunday^^ following you frim scenic sunday,hope u can visit mine too^^

  15. It looks like the plaques that used to be there have been removed.

  16. These look really interesting, they remind me of Mayan sacrificial pyramids, so perhaps they could be a symbol of sacrifice?

  17. Like many of you have mentioned, I thought they looked a lot like pyramids too but I'm interested to hear the bunker connection too.

  18. Belle photo et bon choix pour le challenge du Dimanche, thanks for sharing

    Remember, Every Friday, The Challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"

  19. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Those are very interesting monuments. They remind me of mini pyramids.

  20. The shape of them reminds me of something from an ancient culture -- like we saw in Cetral America.

  21. Sorry to disapoint you but these Chester Hill monuments where once "slippery slides" in a chidrens playground. Build around forty years ago.
    You can see where the metal slide set in the face of those "stone monuments" have been revoved, if I remember right somebody got hurt on them and it was decommissioned. I used to play there as a kid.
    Yours Gene
    Hope this info helps.

  22. Gene, thanks for that info. It's no wonder then that I couldn't find any info on what I thought were monuments. :) I have added your info to the post.


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