Sunday 3 April 2011

Sydney Harbour Bridge, Greenhouse

'Greenhouse by Joost' was a temporary eco-friendly cafe with spectacular views installed on the shore at Campbells Cove in The Rocks. The building was created by artist Joost Bakker and built using recycled materials. Three old shipping containers made up one of the walls and were decorated with a mural featuring butterflies and children playing. This view is from the Overseas Passenger Terminal towards the Harbour Bridge. The cafe closed this week after eight successful weeks and since it was quite popular there are plans to rebuild it in a permanent location. You can see a daytime of the cafe from another angle here.


  1. Beautiful scene and lighting. I love the bridge!

  2. The idea of three old shipping containers making up one of the walls of the harbour-side cafe is perfect. I hope it proves to be successful on its permanent location.

  3. i love the bridge..i want to see it again!

  4. nice pic! hope to be there this summer!

  5. Sidney seems like such a vibrant city! Very alive.

  6. Ah, but did you sample the cafe's wares? It seems not everyone was happy with it.

  7. The bridge is such an icon. I attempted the climb over the coat hanger once and had to turn back due to a lightning storm. It was quite dramatic and very well handled by the bridge authorities.

  8. I din't think it will be quite the same hit without the views ... very different from this angle.

  9. You live in such an amazing city !

    Please have a good Sunday.

  10. Andrew, I didn't get the chance to try out the cafe. Maybe next time. Apparently the food was quite good according to reviewers but there was some criticism about how eco-friendly it actually was.

  11. I love this shot of the bridge, it is both a beautiful and a powerful image.

  12. I like your bridge as it is, no fancy decoration.

    May be I should send over some chokos for the chef to cook. You have a lot of chokos because my mum used to grow them on the Gold Coast.

    See my save the world post, trying to convince the world to see the organic choko.

  13. This is such an unusual concept for a building, but I really do like it. Your shot of it is wonderful and makes the viewer really want to see it up close and personal. I know the adults and the children have loved going to eat there. Love the name “Greenhouse.” Love the bridge. Love the photography. Love X 3!

  14. This is the Harbour Bridge as I've never seen it. Thanks for a visual feast. Love the bright red in the foreground too.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  15. Your photo has brought out the best in the bridge. It looks so enormous and towers over everything.

  16. I remember this cafe... what a surprising side view! The night view towards the bridge is wonderful. It'll be interesting to see to where it is moved.

  17. what a lovely cafe, and all made from recycled materials, too, excellent!

  18. Excellent the eco friendly cafe...happy it will continue in a permanent location!

  19. The Sydney Harbor is gorgeous. I love the mural as well of the butterflies and children. Beautiful sky.

  20. Sydney Harbour Bridge is one of the great structures of the Sydney skyline.I wouldn't dare walk on top of it, which a lot of people seem to do.Did you ever walk there?

  21. Reader Wil, I haven't done the climb yet but I know a lot of people that have and say it was a fantastic experience.

  22. Sydney is one of those places I can imagine retiring to... wonderful landmarks, bustling with energy and creativity, constantly reinventing itself!

  23. You always take really interesting photos of the iconic Sydney landmarks, Jim. Great pic.


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