Tuesday 7 June 2011

The Rocks, Argyle Street, Vivid Sydney

These artworks, located along Argyle Street at The Rocks and Millers Point, are part of the Vivid Sydney festival. "Web of Light" (top) created by Ruth McDermott and Ben Baxter hangs above two buildings at the entrance to Cambridge Street. It highlights the beauty and mystery of a spider's web using around 1000 chandelier crystals to refract natural and artificial light to mimic water droplets on a web. "Eye See You" (bottom) created by German artist Zymryte Hoxhaj is located in front of the cliffs of Observatory Hill. Coloured lights reflect off more than 300 handmade, printed puppets who watch you with their giant eye.
 Linked to: My World Tuesday.


  1. Fantastic public art! Love the web especially! It seems to blend in with the craggy streets!

  2. certainly a different taste of time and light. great pictures. please have a good tuesday.

    daily athens

  3. The spider web is absolutely stunning! If I ever got to come to Sydney, I'd want it to be during Vivid week.

  4. Interesting. I'm heading up there after work tonight. Going to be cold so expect there won't be many people.

  5. A lot of effort has obviously been put into the artworks for the "Vivid Sydney Festval" and what a great opportunity for photo shoots

  6. Oh my gosh that's amazing Jim, when you pull the photo in real close and see all those eyes staring. What a brilliant festival!

  7. Extraordinary artworks, Jim.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. Terrific captures and I do love the web! Have a great week, Jim!


  9. Lovely photos. I like the spider web. I just mentioned in my post today about a spider woman I met during my childhood...lol.

  10. I love that lower shot, Jim. Great series of night shots over recent days.

  11. All art show, even if the street is represented in art and therefore worthy of admiration.
    This is original and colorful.
    Greetings .-

  12. Hi there - nice web. I think its a bit stange that we make public art about things most people sweep away - or is that the whole point??

    Stewart M - Melbourne.

  13. especially like the second one - novel idea and well taken in low light

  14. I've been waiting with eager expectation for you Vivid Sydney shots.

  15. Great captures! I think Spiderman would have a ball here.

  16. Great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.