Saturday 26 November 2011

Dawes Point, Walsh Bay

Walsh Bay is on Sydney Harbour, stretching between Dawes Point and Millers Point. Pier 2 and Pier 3 of the Walsh Bay wharves, were originally part of Sydney's port facilities. The old warehouses on the wharves here have been converted into theatres, galleries, offices, hotels, apartments, restaurants, cafes and shops. This view is from a ferry on Sydney Harbour.
Linked to: Weekend Reflections


  1. Love the angle and design of the wharehouse. Great perspective.

  2. J Bar -

    You do such a fine job of showing us the history of Sydney by photo. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog. «Louis» always learns something.

    It looks like a spammer got you judging from that first "comment"....

  3. I continue to be in awe of where you live. Sydney must be heavenly. I love all of your shots taking me form one end of the city to another. I have gobs of FF mile on BA left over from when I used to take children to England and France, but my back is so bad I cannot even consider the LONG flight....but you make me want to try. Your wharf photos are lovely. genie

  4. Enjoyed this shot Jim, saw that very same view when we were there a few weeks ago, coming back on the ferry from Manly. Hope you are feeling fitter these days and have a good weekend.

  5. would be lovely to see inside!

  6. Thanks for your kind words, Louis la Vache. I've deleted that spam comment now. My blog is being targeted at the moment. I may have to reintroduce the word verification for comments.

  7. I like the strong perspective of this shot and the wharf buildings really lend themselves to that.
    And yes there is a reflection! :-)
    Have a great weekend, Jim. Rain, rain, rain here in Melbourne today (so what's new you say!)

  8. The old warehouses add so much character - hopefully the cafes - shops etc are surviving well

  9. Good to see these warehouses preserved, not another apartment. Best view from your boat too!

  10. I like the perspective. I recently watched a feature on Sydney on the BBC. Your city is very beautiful!

  11. Jim.. I have been to Sydney a couple of times but never explored it properly. If I ever make it up there for a decent amount of time I'll bet I will find my way around a lot better because of your posts.

  12. The old warehouses were located in a great postion. Photographing them from a ferry gives the very best perspective!


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.