Friday 4 November 2011

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House under a grey sky, viewed from The Rocks.


  1. The Opera House is still looking fabulous, despite the miserable time Utzen had in Sydney back in the early 60s. I hope in his older age he enjoyed seeing it thrive.

  2. very nice and not the "usual" shot we always see. Love your photos! It is a virtual vacation!

  3. I'm not a huge fan of the Opera House Jim, but I have to say images like this one really show it at it's absolute best.

  4. In art school 1974 I did a silk screen of the Opera house! Nice to see your post today!
    The photo is lovely!

  5. As iconic as your Harbour bridge - and a subject we never tire of seeing in all the changes the atmosphere brings to it.

  6. the "sydney" flag in the world known by everybody with a wonderful lights colors

  7. Even under a grey sky, the opera house is an impressive sight!


    Imagine a world with no sky—
    Through what would the geese and crows fly?
    And where would bears go
    If there were no snow
    Falling to earth from on high?

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Big Weed, Little Sky

  8. Thank you, how nice to get a comment all the way from down under. The opera house is really stunning, I wish I could see it live someday.

  9. Probably the most famous Sydney view - fabulous:)

  10. No skies could ever take away from the Opera House -- even grumpy ones! But this is one of the very, very few photos of yours that I have seen with any other skies than blue, blue, blue! Beautiful shot! Hope you have a great weekend, Jim!


  11. The overcast sky lets the tiles show more readily on the Opera House. Looks great and a wonderful composition.

  12. really fabulous shot. i really want to visit australia and see the opera house like that...

    thanks for dropping by and the comment :)

  13. Sylvia K, I thought I should show that our skies aren't always blue and we do get some grey skies too. :)

  14. That's a fantastic shot of the opera house.

  15. Still bright and a sight of sound and joy. Please have a good Friday.

  16. Just when I thought I was bored with photos of the Opera House, along comes this ripper.

  17. What an interesting building! And a great picture!

  18. Thank you for letting me see this lovely place once again. Several years ago, I had the pleasure of visiting your country. Did not get to see the inside of this magnificent building.

  19. Oh yes! The very popular Opera House! Fantastic!

  20. I never tire of seeing the Sydney Opera House. I never get tired of listening to opera, either. As everyone knows, I teach our middle school in-school suspension class, but what they do not know is I have my students listen to opera. It is amazing how after a while they get to really like it. Your capture of the opera house is lovely. genie

  21. The white pops out with the dark skies!

  22. That's a very good view of the opera house.

  23. The Opera House never fails to facinates,
    i wonder what is the Rock?

  24. Always wonderful to see this marvelous structure even under moody skies. Lovely shot!

  25. Thomas, The Rocks is a part of Sydney where the early settlers lived. I'll add a link to give you some more information. :)

  26. Wow - now that is a classic and fabulous shot!

  27. Such a beautiful building - always makes for a great photo

  28. That is a superb picture of this amazing building!

  29. This I want to visit someday, hopefully soon!

  30. Hi there - your bay may have the bridge and the opera house - but mine has got clouds!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  31. The sails almost look pink against the grey sky. When our daughter worked there Biil used to call it:"Sonya's Workshop"

  32. I'd go to Sydney just to visit the opera house :o)

  33. I always love to see that building.
    Would have been a truly great shot with some sun on the building with the dark clouds above it.

  34. Great photo Jim!
    Greetings from Holland,
    Anna :-))

  35. Do I see clouds there in that sky? Amazing! What happened to the Sydney blue skies? Ha, ha! The opera house looks lovely even if the sun isn't shining brightly. Thanks for stopping by.

  36. Linnea, we do get a grey sky, once or twice a year. ;)

  37. Holy Buckets! Your images are breathtaking!
    Thank you for popping by my place!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.