Sunday 4 December 2011

Rose Bay, St George Greek Orthodox Church

St. George Greek Orthodox Church is located on Newcastle Street, in the eastern suburb of Rose Bay. It was built in 1962 and combines elements of traditional Greek Orthodox Church architecture with contemporary designs of that era.


  1. A nice mix of styles...great photo!

  2. You can't go past a church for a great photo. I love the steps out the front of this one...

  3. Not sure that there WAS any design in the early '60s, Jim! This sort of reminds me of the Burly-Griffin smoke stack in Glebe, for some reason.

  4. Julie, perhaps a lack of design is in itself the design of that era. The blonde brickwork is typical of that era.

  5. Great to see a church on Sunday. it is a wonder there isn't a meme for that.

  6. Nice shot, Jim. It's interesting to see the hodge-podge of styles in this one. I'd be interested to see the interior, too. Greek orthodox churches tend to be decorated internally according to some quite rigid rules, so I wonder how "modern" the inside is.

  7. hee hee....
    A new blog meme could be started about church architecture - a subject «Louis» finds fascinating.

  8. It's simple for sure but almost verging on the too plain! But "sturdy" it does have in it's favour.

  9. I can definitely see the 60's in this architecture. An expanse of brick.

  10. Louis la Vache, perhaps the meme should be called "Church on Sunday". :)

  11. wow... ur pics are amazing, great photos, hope to see more of ur work...

  12. As much as it's great to have a church on Sunday Jim, I was kind of looking forward to seeing my favorite bridge today haha!

  13. This sure looks similar to many Greek Orthodox Churches here.

  14. If I had been the architect I would have made that steeple taller. Too squat for my liking. I too wonder what the interior is like.

  15. Interesting bell tower. The arches are neat looking.

  16. I like te arches in the windows and the belltower on this church


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