Saturday 10 December 2011

Rozelle, pump house

This building stands in Bridgewater Park, beside Iron Cove, in the inner west suburb of Rozelle. It was constructed in 1934 as the pump house for the former Balmain Power Station. Cool water was drawn in from the river and pumped up to the station using electronically driven pumps. The water was used to cool the condensers and was then pumped back into the river. The power station was constructed in 1909 and supplied electricity to the local area until it was decommissioned in 1976.The power station was demolished and the land was redeveloped into residential apartments and this park along the foreshore.
 Linked to: Weekend Reflections


  1. What is the Rozelle pump house used for, these days? If not for its original purpose, it could easily become pavilion with changing rooms and showers, and a coffee shop.

  2. I LOVE how blue the sky is in most of your photos. You make me want to move there.

  3. Excellent photo (as usual ;-), enjoyed the history...happy the pump house wasn't torn down too!

  4. Good that they recycle these old pump houses rather than demolish them. Even if they become little more than statuary.

  5. Hels, it's just sitting there empty these days. You can walk through part of it, closest to the shore. Maybe it's waiting to be turned into a coffee shop some day.

  6. Yes I agree that it is good it hasn't been demolished.

  7. I see I'm not the only one in love with your blue, blue skies, Jim! And what a neat building and great reflections for the day! Enjoy your weekend!


  8. It's a sturdy structure so hopefully will remain if only for asthetic purposes.

  9. Quite an elegant building for such a utilitarian purpose. But that's how they did things then...
    Have a good weekend, Jim!

  10. I'm glad that they haven't demolished it but they surely can think of something to use it for, what a waste of a great building.

  11. Wish it would become a cafe. Perfect location near the bay run.


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