Wednesday 14 December 2011

Sydenham, sculpture

This sandstone memorial sculpture in Sydenham Green, a park in the inner west suburb of Sydenham. It was created by Aboriginal Artist Joe Hirst and dedicated in 1999 to the Stolen Generations. It features images of boomerangs and a couple of small reflective pools. The Stolen Generations is a term used to describe the children of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from their families by the Australian federal and state government agencies and church missions, under acts of their respective parliaments.


  1. Very nice sculpture!
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Hope you are having a great week****

  2. It is a beautiful sculpture, so full of meaning, as well! We have a similar history with regard to the First Nations people, especially the Inuit in the North. Makes you wish you could go back and change history...

  3. I like the curved lines in this piecework sculpture.

  4. Beautiful sculpture, Jim, but so sad about the lost generations. The story is so similar to that of Canada's First Nations people, whose children were put into residential schools and grew up knowing only English and not their native tongue.
    Just yesterday I wrote a small poem (a limerick, actually) about empires and what they have wrought. Great minds, etc., I guess.

  5. This beautiful sculpture is a little like a sacred cairn! Very interesting!

  6. Dramatic...and thought provoking...mans inhumanity to man!

  7. BEautiful vivid shot, Jim. Nice reflections on the water too.

  8. This is an amazing sculpture. The history lesson you shared with us was so interesting. A fine post. genie

  9. neat sculpture...thank you for sharing...

  10. You certainly take me to parts of Sydney with which I am totally unfamiliar, Jim. Thank you.

  11. Nice little reflection pool there Jim, seems appropriate I think!!

  12. Beautiful sculpture!
    Thank´s for the information about the Stolen Generations! So sad!

  13. Love it...if one uses their imagination, you could see a face mask here. Well, I did say 'use the imagination'.

    ATCHAFALAYA SWAMP PHOTOS is my link for today. Hope you can find time to visit with me.

  14. Thanks for the info and beautiful sculpture.
    חבילות נופש

  15. i thought these are snakes.:p
    an interesting sculpture.

  16. Interesting sculpture. We stayed in a London borough called Sydenham aa few years ago; I had never heard the name before -- now I wonder if there's a connection -- will have to visit Mr Google.

  17. Sallie, there is indeed a connection. It was named after the London suburb because it also has a close proximity to the city and is a railway junction.

  18. This is a very carefully managed blog. It makes me want to sign up for the RSS feed :)


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