Sunday 5 August 2012

Little Bay Beach, seagulls

Looking across the rocks at Little Bay Beach to the Pacific Ocean, in the eastern suburb of Little Bay. A warm winter's day brought a few swimmers to the beach yesterday but they were vastly outnumbered by these seagulls.


  1. I have been away from Australia for a while and am not looking forward to returning to work, laundry and cooking, but oh I miss those beaches and seagulls!

  2. Wow, that's a beautiful scene. You don't see them sitting on the water that much. My local gulls used to live in a huge carpark to a shopping complex with a drive-thru McDonalds and lots of lovely French Fries littered all over the place that made a delightful herring gull's breakfast.

    PS I once ended up having a stupid debate with some Australians about the size of seagulls. They said I must have been tripping to call them "enormous birds"... which they thoroughly believed until they took a trip to the English seaside and saw how gigantic our gulls actually are... Apparently most Aussie gulls are tiny in comparison ;-)...!

  3. Seagull are flying rats. Still a great sight

  4. James Wei, I thought it was pigeons that were flying rats. :) These seagulls were playful and looked quite cute splashing about in the water.

  5. I like seagulls. Nice to see them here today.

  6. I have to wake up from my jet lagged self to check that you were not in my neighbourhood.

  7. Oh my goodness a seagull convention. I wonder what topic they are discussing? Probably "Dinner"!


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