Saturday 4 August 2012

Sydney Harbour Bridge, sunset

The Sydney Harbour Bridge at sunset, viewed from the Sydney Opera House forecourt.


  1. OMG Jim and yay let me be the first to say, what a magnificent sight! J'adore this bridge with a passion, and she is even more beautiful bathed in the sunset light. thanks Jim, that made my evening. I'm going back to have another look.

  2. As always, awesome shot Jim! Thanks have a great weekend.

  3. A photo that stirs the emotions of all who love that bridge and that view. Thank you.

  4. Wow!! What a stunning capture!! I just had to sit and absorb it for a while!!

  5. This is a spectacular capture Jim ... well done!

  6. This is surely beautiful, Jim

    Dig the atmosphere from the photo. I love to visit Sydney again as I used to try all the fine dining in the city in the past

  7. What an awesome capture indeed, Jim! Such a beautiful bridge and I love the night shot!! Enjoy your weekend!

  8. never tire of seeing this bridge ;-)
    visiting from Weekend Reflections

  9. The bridge in all its glory. Unmistakable Sydney.

  10. Nice capture, this bridge : I just love night shots.

  11. O man I would so love to visit Sydney. Half my family live out there. Except the ones now in Perth...

    I would have been born in Adelaide, were it not for an administrative fuckup that kept my parents out.

    I wonder how different life would have been?...?

    I know 2 people who moved from Amsterdam to Adelaide and blogged their experience every day for the few months they were out there. Amsterdam is like London with a magic wand waved over it (ie much nicer in so many respects ~ not to mention about 100 times cleaner)... Adelaide just looked like paradise in comparison!

  12. Gledwood, I'm sure a life in Adelaide would have been quite different to Amsterdam or London.

  13. A superb image of the bridge, Jim!
    «Louis» thanks you for this fine contribution to Sunday Bridges!


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.