Monday 10 June 2013

The Rocks, Vivid Sydney, Sunflowers

"Sunflowers" is a floral light projection for this year’s Vivid Sydney Festival, which ends tonight. It is projected on the wall of a former warehouse building on the corner of George Street and Hickson Road at The Rocks. It was created by lighting designer Mark Hammer with technical management by Andre Kecskes.


  1. Replies
    1. They have large projectors out on the street that reflect images onto buildings.

  2. I love such light effects...
    Best regards from France,


  3. I've never seen one of these projections but love the concept. This one is fabulous!

  4. Yow, what a design! I've seen some of these computer generated light shows and they are fascinating. Love the sunflowers glowing in the dark of night. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  5. this looks like the one they had in Argyle Cut last year.


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