Sunday, 20 December 2015

Enmore, St Luke's Anglican Church

St Luke's Anglican Church is located along Stanmore Road, in the inner west suburb of Enmore. It was built in 1882 and was originally known as Christ Church until 1963 when it was renamed to avoid confusion with the Church of Christ denomination.


  1. This one is so beautiful. The sharp lines and the clean paint. I departed the Episcopal church when they changed over the prayer book to “MODERN” language and went over to our wee Anglican church made up of member with the same feelings as I have. Is the Anglican the prominent religion in Australia as in the United Kingdom?

    1. genie, the Anglicans were the biggest religious group in Australia before being overtaken by Catholics in recent years.

  2. This is a lovely church! The style is as simple as is our faith. A quiet dignity abounds...

  3. Beautiful church and shadows ~ lovely shot.

    Wishing you the magic and love of the season
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Very nice. I like the brown against the white!

  5. We have a Catholic church near here that looks quite similar.

  6. i love those arches, the accents. very cool! ( :

  7. That is a stunning building. Love the contrast and the light was jus tight to show it off.

  8. I was baptised by Rev. Percy John Evans, attended Sunday School, Rev. Herbert John Henry Lofts, a member of the church choir and married in this church in 1954, Rev. Philip Risby Westley before the name change.


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