Sunday 10 January 2016

Wolloomooloo, Finger Wharf

The restored interior of the Wolloomooloo Finger Wharf, located in the eastern suburb of Woolloomooloo. This former wool and cargo dock on Wolloomooloo Bay was built in 1915 and remained part of the working port until the 1970s when container ports and airports reduced the need for wharves. It was restored in the 1990s and redeveloped into a hotel, apartments, commercial offices, restaurants and a marina. This space between industrial conveyor-belt relics is used for functions such as the recent centenary gala dinner and cocktail party.


  1. Great and usable space, but I wonder if it is a bit industrial for weddings and cocktail parties.

  2. wooooloooomoooooloooo stays a running word-gack for a while!

    1. The way to remember the spelling is to connect the words Wool-loo-moo-loo.

  3. What a funny name for a town! But, unique, no doubt! Love the architecture (as usual) on this wharf. Amazing.

  4. An extraordinary structure. The restoration complements the design of the building beautifully. And love the patches of sunlight.

  5. This is outstanding, once considered an industrial relic, it has a real retro-functional style. Perfect for parties and gatherings where small talk will center on how great this place is for a usually boring party...

  6. What a funny name this place has. - Such an "industrial" looking place.

  7. Very nice wood construction and lucky it isn't gone into eternity like a lot of other old buildings. I like that.


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