Monday 11 January 2016

Woolloomooloo, corner shop

This former corner shop and residence is located on the corner of Forbes Street and Best Street, in the inner city suburb of Woolloomooloo. Along Forbes Street are a number of two storey terrace houses built in the same style.


  1. it will come the day, that I am a woolooomooolllooo-specialist!

  2. This building looks quite well preserved. Love the features beneath the two corner windows on the lower level.

  3. Thanks for visiting my Photographic Journey in beautiful Budapest! We're heading to Sydney in 2017! Looking forward to visiting your beautiful country!!

  4. Is it the 'best' street in Woolloomooloo? Nice building.

    1. Parts of the street are blocked off to create pedestrian malls and it leads down to the bay, so it's quite a good one.

  5. I wonder if this building (a former corner shop and residence) was ever a Victorian-built pub. It has the perfect corner position, a terrific wrought iron balcony and wide awnings.

  6. This is a shop? It reminds me more on a motel (sorry) Have a great week, Jim:)

  7. Hi Jim,

    You've given us another beautiful blue sky. Isn’t it fun finding blues to share?

    Happy Blue Monday!

  8. Over here this would be called a flat iron building because the point at the front looks like the front of a flat iron. This structure is such a nice one and the paint job is perfect. You always show us the neatest things in and about your area.

  9. Oh, my...I'd LOVE to live in such a pretty building.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.