Wednesday 15 June 2016

Sydney Opera House, Vivid Sydney, Songlines

The Sydney Opera House is illuminated for the Vivid Sydney Festival which is running from 22 May to 18 June 2016. Vivid Sydney is a festival of light, music and ideas now in its eighth year and the biggest festival of its type in the world. This year's "Lighting the Sails" display is called "Songlines", featuring contemporary indigenous artworks by Karla Dickens, Djon Mundine, Gabriella Possum Nungurrayi, Reko Rennie, Donny Woolagoodja, and the late Gulumbu Yunupingu.


  1. Some great art shown here, always nice to see your photos from this event.

  2. That is amazing, Jim! And your pics are super!

  3. The displays just get better and better every year.

    1. And the festival gets more and more popular. There are so many great displays that I can't even photograph now because they get swamped with people.

  4. Wow! Gotta love this festival. The displays are so varied. Do they present something different every night or is the performance the same?

    1. Ruth, it's an animated show that runs for something like twenty or thirty minutes and it is replayed throughout the festival. They have a new show every year.

  5. Bonjour,

    Un spectacle époustouflant ! Merci pour l'ensemble de ces sublimes photos.

    Gros bisous 🌸

  6. What stunning effects on the Opera House sails. The artwork displays so beautifully.

  7. wow, so amazing. My son has been hinting he would like to go back to Sydney, so perhaps I should be adding Sydney to my travel list real soon. Happy travels, have a fabulous week and thank you for stopping by my blog last week.

  8. This is on my bucket list but my years are running out. Almost 80 and may not make it there. You have given me an amazing post to enjoy. Thanks for sharing.

  9. That's amazing - magical!
    Thanks for sharing at


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