Monday 13 June 2016

Ultimo, Bristol Arms Hotel

The former Bristol Arms Hotel is located along Harris Street, in the inner city suburb of Ultimo. It was established in 1875 and rebuilt by Tooth & Co. in 1923. It closed in the early 1970s and now houses the offices of GALKAL (Galileo Kaleidoscope), an independent Australian strategy and research company.


  1. Excellent that they didn't delete the old Bristol Arms Hotel signs and replace them with a garish, modern bit of technological advertising.

  2. Hi Jim, I do love the old buildings and this is a nice one.
    I am working on getting my link with no luck. It is 3:26 am here and I will have to wait until morning to work this out. I have a friend to call for help.

    I am awake because of some serious poison ivy and I can't sleep. Gardening carelessly.

    Please come back in a few hours when I get the link up.

    1. Thanks, Jeanne. Get well soon. I will try to link up to your meme whenever I can.

  3. Beautiful design round the roof line. This building seems to be well preserved.

  4. Looks a distinguished building to have your offices! I have been in Bristol, UK!

  5. A nice traditional look to this building.
    Thanks for sharing at


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