Saturday 9 July 2016

Hotel Downing, statues

This squad of statues has been installed outside Hotel Downing, located along Castlereagh Street. They are replicas of the Terracotta Army, a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang the first Emperor of China, whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife.


  1. Replies
    1. These ones are miniature but the owners have another hotel nearby with life size statues.

  2. Replicas of the Terracata Army...beautiful...and what a wonderful idea to place them there. Can't you picture that whole huge army of these replicas. genie

  3. Nice replica collection of some of the terracotta sculptures.

  4. Looks like the same thing they sell at the Asian Art Museum here.

    1. Maybe that's where they bought these from. The internet makes the world a small place. :)

  5. This is nice! I have seen exhibitions featuring the Terracotta Warriors here in California (with real warriors, chariots and horses) but I would prefer to travel to Xian to see the actual site where they are located.

  6. I thought they looked familiar...we saw the army of them in Xian when we visited China a few years ago. Amazing, aren't they? These replicas do indeed look like the originals.
    Alberta, Canada


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