Sunday 10 July 2016

Lilyfield, church

This former Uniting Church is located along Lilyfield Road, in the inner city suburb of Lilyfield. It was originally a Methodist Church an is now the home of an aged care community centre.


  1. That's a good use of the building. The architecture reminds me of one church here.

  2. God's work can always move beyond the church - even if not used for community worship any more. It is still a wonderful community gathering place that is being used. Never waste such a resource!

  3. What a great place for a community center.

  4. I am so glad the church was repurposed. Hope it has a lots of stained glass windows in it for the elderly to enjoy. genie

  5. This is really a great photo of a nice building

  6. Jim, I just looked up Uniting Church, interesting that it formed in 1977.

    1. Yes, we had Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational churches coming together to form the Uniting Church of Australia.

  7. that tower in the back looks like a robot, why, i don't know. but to me it does?! ( :

    1. Those pesky mobile phone towers can spoil a view.

  8. A fine re-purposing of this building. But the brickwork looks as if it is begging for a little scrub and polish to highlight the beauty of the architecture.

  9. Interesting re-purposing of this church...

  10. I feel inspired that it did not become a condo!

  11. It is quite an unusual style! Good reuse of the building, Jim!

    1. ahah! great photo of this church now re-purposed!! How many churches are there in Sydney?

    2. Heaps. Almost as many as pubs. ;)

  12. A comment a few years after the last one An update this Wednesday 30 august at 345 the old church will be reblessed and a smoking ceremony to cleanse will take place as Uniting join with Seniors services to provide respite well being and spiritual care to ageing residents from the Inner West providing much needed respite for their carers. Activities include art, music, gardening, games, conversation and knitting and crafts. It is a blessing to be part of social justice services that began in 1912 with the building of the original Methodist church in Lilyfield. It is now also the home of charity FB @hatsforhomeless that runs a winter collection and delivery of beanies and warm items for homeless across Sydney and NSW. We Have made over 13000 beanies since 2019 and have 750 members in our group. Thank you for your blog Jim I was searching for information regarding the building and came across your post. Pastor Susan Russell


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.