Wednesday 5 April 2017

Darlington, The Old School, fountain

This granite water fountain or bubbler is located near the gates of The Old School, part of the University of Sydney campus, in the inner city suburb of Darlington. It was originally the Darlington Public School designed by George Allan Mansfield and built in 1878 in the Gothic Revival architectural style. At the end of 1975 the school, which was in a poor state of repair, was transferred to the university. The building was renovated in 1978 for use by the Department of Music and as a theatre workshop. The inscription reads: "Erected to the Memory of David and Jessie Edward, pioneer residents of Darlington".


  1. It's a great looking fountain. I like the steps surrounding it.

  2. Thanks for sharing this piece of history with us today.

  3. Kind of like the name Darlington - so English:) The fountain is hard to overlook! And yay, your distinct feature is the first this week at ALL SEASONS, Jim! Thank you so much and have a beautiful week!

    1. Jeannette, I thought you would appreciate those autumn leaves for your seasons meme.

  4. Bubbler. I like that word. Fountain seems too sedate for the joy of water that it gives us. :-)

  5. Our school water fountains did not look that fancy!


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