Monday 30 December 2019

David Jones Department Store

The David Jones Department Store is bounded by Elizabeth Street, Market Street and Castlereagh Street. The heritage listed Elizabeth Street store was built in 1923 in the Inter-war Stripped Classical style. This view is from the entrance to Hyde Park North. The 12 level flagship store is progressively being refurbished and reopened. The former levels of office space are being used for retail space, in order to consolidate the current Market Street store into the one building.


  1. When I was first married, DJ used to be the key shopping site in the centre of town. I hope the building is still lovely and the goods still very classy.

    1. The whole store is currently being refurbished and they've just reopened the ground floor which is mostly designer brands now and very classy.

  2. Interesting.
    Happy year end


  3. At least Sydney is safe from the fires. Happy New Year!

  4. Makes me think of the classic department stores in downtown Los Angeles. - Margy


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