Monday 6 July 2020

Chippendale, mural

This mural is on a hoarding around the former Carlton and United brewery in the inner city suburb of Chippendale. It was painted by artist Janne Birkner, also known as Krimsone. The building is part of the Central Park redevelopment.


  1. It has a magical feel to it. It makes me think of Jack in the Beanstalk.

  2. Thank you. I rarely enjoy public wall murals, but this one is very clever.

  3. Very nice one, wish I could be that happy and relaxed.

  4. Wow, gigantic and very well done. Thanks for participating Jim.

  5. What a lovely mural with dream like qualities. Great find.

  6. If Avatar moved to the city... lovely art!

  7. I finally got back online late last night and am now playing catch-up. I knew I felt this mural felt familiar to me, but Sharon was the one who put it in perspective for me. Yes, Jack in the Beanstalk. It's a real beauty, too.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.