Friday 19 March 2021

Coogee, beach

Looking across Coogee Beach to Coogee Bay and the Pacific Ocean, in the eastern suburb of Coogee. Two of these red and yellow flags mark the safe, patrolled area for swimmers. A rescue tube hangs off the flag and a lifeguard surfboard sits nearby, in case of emergency.


  1. Wonderful post
    really nice
    i enjoyed this
    For more information go to Facebook Nl Bellen

  2. Beautiful photo. Looks safe and organized for swimmers.

  3. Greetings and Salutations! The flag with the rescue tube is different. In Illinois, U.S.A. we have round tubes spaced periodically along Lake Michigan beaches. No swimming is allowed unless a lifeguard is around on a tall bench but folks go in the water any way. We have to pay to go to the beach to swim. Odd, rules here eh?

    1. It's interesting to hear how things are done differently in other countries. We never have to pay to go to the beach but some beaches impose fees for parking near them. The life savers are paid by local councils but there are often volunteers working alongside them. At some beaches volunteers collect donations.

  4. Beautiful beach. Here in Florida the beaches are free.

  5. I love those layered blue colors in the water, in addition to the blue of the sky.

  6. I hope people are swimming between the flags.

  7. Gorgeous blue in both the water and sky!


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