Thursday 7 October 2021

Moore Park, light rail tunnel

A tram emerges from the Moore Park light rail tunnel, on the corner of South Dowling Street and Devonshire Street, in the inner city suburb of Moore Park. The 500 metre tunnel runs underneath Moore Park for the CBD and South East Light Rail Service, made up of the L2 Randwick Light Rail line and L3 Kingsford Light Rail line which run from Circular Quay.


  1. Our LRT got taken offline due to a derailment. The city is screaming at the company that built and maintains the line.

    1. Ours had a few teething problems with power outages but seems to be doing well now.

  2. Replies
    1. The top speed is 70km/h but since it mainly travels on city and suburban streets, it wouldn't travel that fast.

  3. It's really nice that they built it like this, but I don't like being and ride in a tunnel for a long time. Have bad experiences here from the past with an accident.

  4. A handsome train. I don't usually see ones that look this nice. Thanks for linking up.


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