Tuesday 19 January 2010

Hyde Park, Sydney Festival

The Sydney Festival is Australia's largest annual cultural event. Held every January since 1977, the program features theatre, music, dance, visual arts and lectures. Many events on the program are free. The Famous Spiegeltent is a regular performance venue, which is part of Festival Gardens, set up in Hyde Park, on the corner of College Street and Park Street. Spiegeltents were created in the early 20th century as travelling pavilions used as concert venues, dance halls, bars and entertainment salons. It's desserted during the day but it comes alive at night.


  1. I do miss a good festival. A little too small here for one as fun as this looks.

  2. I have really been enjoying all the color in your recent posts.Aren't festivals great

  3. Wow, fun! I have a niece who lives in Canberra and she reports that Australia really does their various festivals right.

  4. I agree, spiegeltents do look like fun! Great shot! Haven't been to a good fair/festival in quite a while. miss those! Have a good week!


  5. Sounds like a great festival and one I know I would enjoy.

  6. I'm going to the Spiegeltent tomorrow night, hopefully I'll be able to get a couple of shots inside. Haven't been before, should be interesting.

  7. Sounds interesting. Spiegeltent is a real Dutch word though I don't know exactly what it is. Is it perhaps what we call 'lachspiegeltent' or 'lachspiegels'? Literally translated it means 'laughing mirror tent'.

  8. Interesting, nice to know of this festival from your part of the world.

  9. Ann, I look forward to seeing any shots of the performance or the inside itself.

    Cybele's patch, that Dutch connection is very interesting.

  10. been to hyde park and i like it there. :)

  11. I love that sort of thing - great fun and you get to meet all the neighbors, too.

  12. Sounds like a fun event. I bet it's crowded!

  13. It must be a very interesting event. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Have a nice day.

  14. Sounds like a wonderful festival. Interesting post and shot.

  15. Re the Man Hole Covers (MHC). I have two of those you mention, but have not seen any Telecom Australia as yet. They are quite fascinating, although possibly geeky. I have quite a collection. When you photograph them, you will get people throwing you wierdo looks!

  16. Julie, it happens all the time. You get used to those weirdo looks. ;)

  17. It is a colourful tent. My youngest daughter worked for The Famous Speigeltent for quite a few years and travelled the world with them. She loved the work, she was the Stage Manager. Now she is a production manager at the Sydney Opera House.We went to see the show when it was at the Adelaide festival some years back. I have shots of the inside.

  18. I love this sort of spiegeltents, nice picture too.

  19. I should go there more often, living in the suburb made me lazy to explore around

  20. Looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

  21. this looks like a fun place to come and see an event...this is the first i have every heard about a spiegeltent. learned something new :)

  22. I like the Famous Spiegeltent. I went to a show in there in Adelaide. My daughter was the stage manager. The show was called 'Le Clique' and was very good.

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