Monday 29 March 2010

Circular Quay, Overseas Passenger Terminal

The Overseas Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay, where many cruise ships dock in Sydney Harbour.


  1. I had to blow the photo up to study on it a little bit. It looks kind of like a cruise ship itself.

  2. Very interesting design for a building terminal.

    Happy Palm Sunday!

  3. You manage to get your shots looking so "clean" even with people in them. I don't have that kind of patience (I also kind of like scruffy passers by at times.)

  4. How alluring to step inside, aboard, travelling far and wide...

    A wonderful start of the new week.

  5. Yeah Ann, I do prefer the pristine views to those that feature the scruffy passers by, but I also enjoy seeing the shots that feature interesting people.

  6. great shot for some reason it looks like a desert shot. A different perspective. great.

  7. Such a cool building. An excellent photo. I've followed along, can't wait to see what's next.

  8. lovely structure. i love the clear sky too.

  9. Looks very familiar, but it's been 2 years since I was in Sydney. I think we stayed at a hotel around the corner...


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