Thursday 24 February 2011

Woolloomooloo Bay, Queen Mary 2

The Queen Mary 2 is the luxury ocean liner that was berthed at Garden Island dockyard yesterday. This view is from the Woolloomooloo Finger Wharf in Woolloomooloo Bay. It made a grand entrance into Sydney Harbour on Tuesday morning, with its sister ship the Queen Elizabeth. The skies were a glorious blue, compared to the dreary grey skies we had the day before. What a difference a day makes.


  1. It really is a wonderful picture.

  2. Great shot of this incredible ship... it really makes a statement, no?


  3. That is one big cruise ship, more like a city. I'm sure it is lovely with much to do on board but for my holidays I would prefer something smaller.

  4. Golly, I got some of the QM yesterday, too, but my view of the sky was much more cloudy than yours. You must have been there as the sky cleared later in the arvo.

    Splendid sight, wasn't it?

  5. A Majestic ship - Great postition for a Great shot!

  6. Julie, they were quite splendid. They were so big. It was hard to get the whole ship in the shots. Yes, I was down at Wollomooloo in the afternoon, on my lunch break.

  7. Great shot, haven't seen one taken from there before, only from the Domain. Mine are all cloud and rain.

  8. Beautiful ship and beautiful day! Wow, I bet that when the people on those boats come ashore you'd really notice!

  9. Following the Sydney blogs there is no doubt what the news of the week was in the city.

  10. Hey, I just saw this here. It came and left a day or two ago.

  11. That's right, Evelyn. It came in on Tuesday morning and left on Thursday afternoon.

  12. Great Picture¡¡¡¡¡ Great ship¡¡¡


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