Wednesday 9 March 2011

Mascot, runway and beach

This little beach on Botany Bay sits beside one of the north-south runways of Sydney Airport, in the eastern suburb of Mascot. This Qantas 747 is preparing to take off to the north, just at it passes by the airport control tower. The Socceroos is the nickname for Australia's national soccer team that is sponsored by Qantas and promoted on the side of this plane.


  1. Great photo!

    Not to nitpick, but that's a 747, not an A380. ;)

  2. That's one, BIG beautiful bird - or should I call it a flying kangaroo?!

  3. Not a bad spot for an airport. All the plane spotters can shoot from the beach!

  4. Fascinating juxtaposition of elements in this image... the curving shore line, the vividly colored jet, and the twisting tower. Cool photograph!

  5. Thanks, Bill. I was taking a risk guessing, since I don't know much about planes. It looked so big, close up but an A380 is going to look absolutely massive then. I appreciate the correction.

    Leif Hagen, Qantas do call themselves 'the fying kangaroo'.

  6. Wow. That´s a BIG one! Lovely view for the arrivals.

  7. I have seen only one other airport right on the beach, and that was in Mali. Great spot if the people do not mind sharing the beach with an airport!

  8. Cool photo! Reminds me of one I took in the Caribbean.....I'll have to post it!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Debbie's Travels

  9. Great photo! I remember lading there on one trip to Oz.

  10. Love the visuals of a plane almost on the beach like that :)

  11. Cool picture, and a beautiful beach! How I would love to be on that plane!

  12. It looks huge sitting there - you have taken this from a great position.

  13. Always two hands of air beneath its wings.

    A great picture indeed. Please have a good Wednesday.

    daily athens

  14. What a cool picture. The size of that plane is impressive. The way you positioned yourself for this shot really worked out well. The perspective is great and the images are so vivid. Lovely.

  15. is that a private plane? looks like too close in the ocean

    great shot.

    My Watery Wednesday

  16. Shydub, well Qantas is a publicly listed company on the stock exchange. It's Australia's biggest and oldest airline. The runway juts out into the bay.

  17. Unusual shot. Great job, makes us go 'What?!'

  18. mascot is in great location, shame about the airport

  19. Great photo? I wonder what Captain Cook would have said?

  20. Joe, picking up on what Peter said above, he would probably wonder why they ruined a beautiful bay by putting a great big airport in the middle of it. :)

  21. Great shot! Nice spot for an airport! Happy WW!

  22. This shot is surreal, like something from a dream.

  23. Vintagesouthernlife, yes the beach is open to the public but it's a bit remote and not many people swim here. There are long stretches of sand along this bay and not too far away from here, where people prefer to go swimming.

  24. The perfect place to plane spot, great capture. Now I'm wondering if the ARL have a plane as well. I remember one Greek island where not only was the 'airport' near the beach (not unusual) but the flight path was low and over the sunbathers.

  25. Shame the bay has an airport runway alongside it.The plane looks rather busy with logos on it. But it is a great shot.

  26. i like how you composed this photo. excellent shot.


  27. Amazing how close you (and the general public) are allowed to get to the plane and airport. Where won't we see ads...? :-( I came here from Signs, Signs... not linked back, Jim?


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