Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Surry Hills, shop and apartments

This apartment building with a shop on the ground floor is located on the corner of Elizabeth Street and Rutland Street, in the inner city suburb of Surry Hills. The original three storey building on this corner was demolished in 2016 but rebuilt in the same historic style with a two storey contemporary style addition above. A separate contemporay addition was also made behind it along Rutland Street. The two storey terrace houses along Elizabeth were also redeveloped with three storeys of apartments added above.
Linked to: Good Random FunSenior Salon Pit StopTuesday TreasuresHappy TuesdayTravel Tuesday.


  1. Interesting and good that they rebuilt in the historical style!

  2. The contrast of the top and middle is great

  3. Replies
    1. I'm not a fan of this design either. I think it's a missed opportunity to not build all six storeys in the historic style.

  4. I think that would be a wonderful view from one of those apartments. Beautiful building.

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