Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Customs Square, sand sculpture

This life size sand sculpture of the inside of an aircraft was located in Customs Square at Circular Quay last week. It was part of a Qantas Airlines and Gold Coast Tourism promotion created by sand sculptors from Sand In Your Eyes.
 Linked to: Our World Tuesday


  1. OMG that is fantastic!! If only it could be kept forever.
    Thanks for dropping by and visiting!

  2. Replies
    1. I didn't see any of the characters there so I must have been there at a different time.

  3. wow, it is amazing..
    And how you guys dont all bump into each other amazes me...

  4. Love it. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. This is totally awesome, Jim!! Wow! I love it!

  6. Wow, these sand sculptures are amazing. The detail is awesome. Great shots, thanks for sharing.

  7. The sculptors are just so talented. Very clever advertising.

  8. amazing. i wonder how many people worked on this work of art.

  9. my goodness! amazing! what a pity it will end up back as a pile of sand!
    I have just joined Our World Tuesday. It is great to meet another Aussie! Have a wonderful week.

  10. Fantastic! This would definitely have been worth a trip.

  11. These do look like a lot of fun. I would imaging they would draw quite a crowd.

  12. Wow these are incredible! I think this one flight I could take and not be afraid of flying! Wonderful shots!

  13. Replies
    1. There were a lot of people there to see it over the days that sculptors worked on it and once it was completed.

  14. Brilliant sculptures Jim, what a shame that they will have to come down at some point.


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