Tuesday 2 March 2010

Pyrmont, Distillery Hill

The inner west suburb of Pyrmont is undergoing gentrification with the site of an old sugar refinery and rum distillery being redeveloped into apartments, shops, restaurants and parkland. The apartment buildings on Distillery Hill have some colourful features that really stand out on the skyline and look great against a bright blue sky. The building with the yellow trim is called The Distillery, behind it is a building with green and brown trim called Refinery Apartments. Can you see the bloke on the pool deck of The Distillery just having a bit of a look around?


  1. That lemon yellow trim really stands out!

  2. this is a beauty, I just love the architect that coined this concept.....

    fascinating ... great post!

    In This Side of Town
    Anything Davao

  3. Great shots Jim, very bright and I love the blue sky:)

  4. Its the firsts buildings at March 2 that i'm looking at!

  5. For the life of me, I could not live in a set of apartments like that. Dirt, give me dirt, under starry skies above, don't fence me in!!

  6. I do like that yellow! In fact, this is a great photo. I'll drink to that!

  7. This is all new to me. I really must go over there and have a look around. Is it just over the other side of Darling Harbour, across the footbridge?

    I think the yellow is ghastly, as is the whole complex.

  8. Ann, it's in that direction but these new developments are quite a distance away. You would have to walk past all the wharves at Pyrmont to get there. There's a tram stop called Jacksons Landing up near these flats and it's a short stroll down to the water from there.

  9. Thanks for the info, I forget about the tram, only used it once when it first started.

  10. I always get in trouble if I get near a distillery LOL

  11. I love the trim; you can easily see this from afar.


  12. interesting architecture - looks like the apt blocks in Acapulco!!

  13. The yellow certainly does stand out! Great looking buildings and great shots, Jim. I could see the bloke taking it all in! I was thinking the same thing as Catherine, they look like they could be buildings in Mexico! Have a great week!


  14. The one portion of the building being yellow looks very striking! Nice shot and great architecture!

    Pixellicious Photos

  15. Nice photos!!
    ( I hope you had a good time when you visited Athens)

  16. That streak of yellow is rather attractive against the blue sky. And, no, I couldn't see the man.

  17. That yellow is unusual for a building but it is stunning!

  18. Rinkly Rimes, he's in the first shot, just above the sandstone section and the street signs. He's quite tiny in the scheme of things, but it might help if you click on the photo to enlarge.

  19. Impressive. Should keep my husband away ;-)

  20. My brother has an apartment in one of those buildings (very swish with great views) and noting Julie's comment they have a very nice balcony garden.

    I wasn't so keen on the bright splash of colour when they were first built but have found it more appealing with the passage of time.

  21. the yellow above the blues, and the sparkling white of the windows.. this is a rich picture.. great cathc

  22. Great colors! I like seeing artsy apartments like these :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


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