Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Millers Point, Windmill Street

These buildings are located Windmill Street in the inner city suburb of Millers Point. On the left corner, as Windmill Street wraps around, is the heritage-listed Oswald Bond Store with an entrance in Kent Street. This former warehouse was built in 1893 in the Victorian style but was partly rebuilt in 1904 after a fire with Federation and Free Classical styles. On the right corner with Argyle Place is a row of terraces which has commercial space on the ground floor with residential space above, built around 1906 in the Federation style. The high rise office buildings in the distance, including Salesforce Tower, are in the central business district. The Windmill Street Bridge and Munn Street Bridge in the foreground were built in 1910 when Hickson Road below was cut out of the sandstone cliff to provide a link between the wharves on Walsh Bay and those being built at Darling Harbour.


  1. Interesting contrast between a classic Victorian building and the modern architecture in the background.
    Thanks for sharing at

  2. Interesting to read about. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I love how your architecture and honolulu's older architecture speak of a Time and a place in the Pacific. Nicely shown. Thank you Aloha!

  4. Very interesting, I love the contrast between the building buildings. If they turned that Victorian building into housing, I would live in it in a heartbeat.


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