Saturday 22 December 2012

Westfield Sydney, Christmas lights

These large Christmas light decorations currently hang in Westfield Sydney. They flash and change colours to display a variety of different patterns to create a festive mood. Formerly known as Centrepoint, this shopping centre is bounded by Pitt Street Mall, Market Street and Castlereagh Street.
Linked to: Weekend Reflections


  1. Very, very nice! I like how the perspective takes you up into the ceiling, while everything remains in focus. Then, the diagonal lines throw you off balance -- so much to look at. Well seen and framed.

  2. Christmas shines through these images Jim. Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for sharing your part of Australia with us.

  3. You always do so well with these colored lights night shots. Like capturing ever changing kaleidoscopic images.

    1. Although, it was actually daytime but it is dark in that shopping centre. It seems that it is a current trend to make malls look like s nightclub.

  4. Wow ! Those lights are so stunning ! You must have had a lot of fun watching them and taking all those pictures... Technology is sometimes a wonder, specially when it comes to decorum.

    1. I stood around for a little while to get a few different colours. I was wondering whether they just have a continuing sequence or whether the patterns are random. It was hard to tell.

  5. Great post for the theme!
    Merry X-mas to you!

  6. Hey Jim,
    Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing!!!

    Mick Pedder


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