Wednesday 22 May 2024

Kyeemagh, market gardens

The Kyeemagh Market Gardens are located on the corner of Bestic Street and Occupation Road, in the southern suburb of Kyeemagh. This heritage listed area is believed to have been occupied by market gardeners since 1892. From the 1950s, the gardeners were Italian and Maltese and since the 1980s have been Chinese market gardeners.


  1. It looks like a community farm co-operative

  2. I have no idea where any of that is!! Sydney never ceases to amaze me! #MCoW

    1. Kyeemagh is the first beach at Botany Bay after the airport. These gardens are close to St George Soccer Stadium which is on the border in Banksia.

  3. So nice to see gardens on the grow.
    They look large too.

  4. Love market gardens, so much nicer knowing what's gone into your food.


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