Sunday 20 November 2011

Pyrmont Bridge, Darling Harbour

Pyrmont Bridge is a swing bridge that crosses Cockle Bay at Darling Harbour and connects the inner city suburb of Pyrmont with the Sydney central business district. The bridge was opened in 1902 but closed to traffic in the 1980s when freeways south of Cockle Bay were built. It reopened as a pedestrian bridge with the redevelopment of Darling Harbour in 1988. It also carries an elevated monorail with a track that remains stationary so that the monorails can continue to cross even when the bridge swings open for large boats.


  1. Have you ever photographed the bridge when it was open? Does it still open?

  2. Andrew, I haven't seen it open in recent years. I know they did it to let boats with tall masts pass through for the annual boat show.

    Birdman, yes it is a low bridge.

  3. Great photo of the bridge and surroundings...I love the clouds! Would you mind if I tried to use them in a painting?

  4. Great photo of the bridge and boat. I love the scene with flags and pretty sky! Happy Scenic Sunday!

  5. Great symmetrical shot Jim, the sky looks so good!

  6. Looks so summery which is quite the contrast to Canada, which is quickly approaching winter.

  7. Theanne and Baron, feel free to use these Sydney clouds in your painting.

  8. Great photo and an interesting view of Pyrmont Bridge.

  9. Very nice shot!
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Happy Sunday****

  10. I like the composition of this shot, Jim, with its verticals and horizontals!

  11. Looks close, but what a beautiful balance between sky and sea.

  12. Nice the reopened the bridge. That's one heckuva large flag! And I like the sky.

  13. Ah! So thats what happened to the pyrmont bridge.

  14. Ann, the large flag is an Australian flag permanently located here. The rest of the flags/banners change throughout the year, often promoting events around Darling Harbour. They are currently flying decorative Christmas at Darling Harbour ones.

  15. What a brilliant current use of the bridge! Great photo, too. I especially liked it when I clicked on it to see it larger.

    Thanks for stopping by Portland Oregon Daily Photo.

  16. beautiful image and love the flags that line up.

  17. I really love walking across this bridge ... it has nice views and lots of excitement about.

  18. In «Louis'» opinion, those swing bridges are quite an engineering feat.

    «Louis» works all weekend, so it is difficult for him to visit those who have contributed to Sunday Bridges on Sunday. So here it is mid-week and he's FINALLY getting around to visiting and thanking all who contributed to the meme.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.

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